Stretch Mark Treatment - Biological Technique

 There are many centers and programs available to treat the stretch marks. When you go for any of the stretch mark treatment make sure that you are attending a right program that does not sell any product to you by making the program as a chance. Programs will give free tips and solutions for all kinds of stretch marks and also for both men and women.

Biological Stretch Marks Treatment is a valuable method of maintaining the level of the hormones that helps in preventing the stretch marks to occur over the skin. In youth stage the synthesis of collage in the skin will be compensated by the destruction of the old collagen molecules in the skin. This kind of treatment involves the under standing of the skin matrix by the patient itself which will be helpful in not only treating stretch marks abut also in the prevention of any other forms of skin disease.

Let me give you the details of the skin matrix that will be a stretch mark treatment on its own. The three important substances that are to be found in balance in the skin to prevent and treat the stretch marks are,

  • Collagen
  • Elastin
  • Enzymes

Replenishing the skin will be the good treatment to prevent skin infections. Yes when you use supplements to boost the level of collagen in the body it will result in excess secretion of the same which is of no use in the treatment. The function of the skin is to synthesis the collagen molecules for newer skin tissues and to destroy the old and dead collagen molecules form the dermis layer of the skin.

This hormonal balance is a natural process that is under going in the skin. When there is an imbalance in this process there will be stretch marks and other scars in the body. Restoring them to the original status is the biological stretch mark treatment. This can be achieved by some creams and treatments which are not much popular in these days. More over most of these techniques are not known to the world. This is a more natural process of stretch mark treatment.

Making the body it self to synthesis the collagen is far better than getting a treatment that will stimulate the process artificially. Balanced diet can make the treatment a natural success in both men and women.

Elastin is an important component in the resiliency of the skin. Elastin is a protein that will provide elasticity to the skin. The body it self will provide this elastin which is insoluble. There fore be careful of using the creams and lotion that are made from soluble elastin. Elastin constitutes only 2 % of the protein present in the body. Balancing the production of elastin in the body will help in more fiber in the body.


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