How to Use Threads in Facelifting

Thread Lifts Treatment is the latest innovative and exciting new method to reduce the signs of aging by elevating sagging tissue in the brows, cheeks and midface. The threads can also reposition the brow and soften the appearance of jowling. In some cases threads may be used to tighten loose neck skin, saving the requirement of a formal anterior neck lift. In this article we will look at three of the most popular thread lifting techniques that are presently performed under local anesthesia.

The three methods (Contour Threads TM, Curl Lift and FeatherLift TM) all developed in different countries and carry minimal side effects resulting in long lasting effects of between around 2-5 years. The Curl Lift was developed by French plastic surgeon, Dr. Pierre F.Fournier.

It is a subtle lift using a special needle to attach a nylon or prolene, non absorbable, non-barbed suture thread from the area of the face or neck that is being "lifted" to a stationary point on the scalp. This procedure lifts the desired parts of the face or upper neck. Local anesthesia is used, resulting in a short recovery period and minimal discomfort. The best candidates for the Curl Lift are young to middle age patients who want to slightly lift their brows, cheeks and neck, or to diminish jowl formation.

The Curl Lift will soften nasolabial folds, as well as marionette lines. The Curl Lift is not appropriate for the patient with a lot of excess skin. Those patients who have already experienced a surgical face lift may benefit from the Curl Lift to restore any diminishing results. Complications and side effects are mild and few due to the limited invasiveness of the procedure. Dimples around the lower curl may be observed, but these are easily fixed. Sometimes the skin above the suspension bunches up.

This almost always disappears in one to three weeks. The results of a Curl Lift are not as dramatic as a surgical procedure, but give good results in selected cases with young or mature patients who don't want and don't need major surgery. The Featherlift was originally developed by a Moscow cosmetic surgeon, Dr Marlen A. Salamanidze in the late 1990's. It uses specially patented Aptos threads to support the soft tissue upwards. Dr Salamanidze took prolene and cut barbs (very small "teeth") along its length to act as a truss to lift up a drooping brow, cheek or jowl. This technique resulted in the development and creation of APTOS (antiptosis) threads, which have now been patented and further developed. The Aptos threads are made of a blue monofilament polypropylene material and designed with bi-directional cogs or barbs that hook tissue and lift it into place.

Other forms of threads or sutures, both barbed and smooth have also now been developed for use in threading lifting procedures. These threads can be used to lift any area of the face: eyebrow, cheek, jowl and neck to produce a gentle lifting of lax facial tissues. With the patient under local anesthesia and without incision, a guiding needle is used to place the threads under the skin, where the cogs on the threads attach to the skin, gently lift it, and secure it in the desired position. Patients typically have four to twenty threads placed, depending on the number of facial areas to be treated. An entire face can be treated within one hour, and some patients return to work within few days. Occasional swelling and bruising may last about one week. This method is most suited for younger and middle-aged patients with drooping of the soft tissue of the face and neck, flaccid, flat faces, weak facial contours, or those with premature aging around the face and neck.

The most popular lifting method today is Contour Threads, which was designed in USA, using clear non absorbable strands of polypropylene. Many patients have recently been disturbed to hear that Contour Threads may be soon phased out for economic reasons as they are minimally invasive, very safe and leave no telltale signs of surgery. The principle behind Contour Threads it that they also have small cogs that glide easily beneath the skin when the threads are inserted. These sutures can gently lift drooping facial features upward, restoring a more natural, relaxed, and fresh appearance to the face. The brow, cheek, jowl and neck can also be deftly contoured, creating a natural, youthful appearance. Over time, the body generates new collagen around the Contour Threads, which helps maintain the lift. The threads can also be anchored to the scalp tissue through very small incisions to avoid thread migration and to allow more lifting and tightening process.

The Contour Lift is usually performed under local anesthesia. For those who are especially anxious, light sedation can be used. The length of the procedure depends on the number of threads required. A typical treatment takes about one hour. Incisions are usually so small that skin stitches are not needed. The patient can usually return to normal activities (including work) within one to seven days.


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